Brett Silo

Farmhouse Ale Primed with our favorite strain of Brettanomyces, this version of our Silo farmhouse ale highlights the flavor contribution of this wild yeast. Brett Silo has developed a nuanced complexity that only comes with time and patience. More effervescent and decidedly drier than its base, aromas of fresh apricot, dried lavender and clove infused […]

Spelt Saison Brewed in collaboration with our good friends and saisonniers at Afterthought Brewing. Our shared love for farmhouse brewing led us to this round, flavorful and satisfying ale. Utilizing a saison strain from a particular region in Belgium, we built this recipe with a modest amount of malted spelt in homage to beers made […]
Citra Dens

Brewed in Collaboration with our good bud and former teammate Rob, of Supermoon Brewing in the beautiful Bay View neighborhood of Milwaukee. We fermented this mixed culture saison in stainless and split our batch into two hoppy variations. Highlighting different aromatics produced by our culture, these hop blends are strikingly different. This batch highlights our […]