Craft Urban + Penrose Harvest Dinner
November 10th @ 6 PM
5 Courses & Beer Pairings
$85-All Inclusive
Oyster charred beet mignonette Savory Beignet Whitefish brandade. Paired with Silo (Saison)
Venison tartare w/gnuac cham, onion, basil, cilantro, green onion and endive chip. Paired with Penrose Pilsner.
1st HOT
Bruleèd mussel on top of fole risotto Corn Foam. Paired with Coffee Navette (Belgian Black Ale with Coffee)
Roast duck breast on top of collard green. Sauced of pickled mustard seed, trout roe, fine herbs and cheese. Paired with The Other Tomorrow (BBA Barleywine)
Fennel Mochi, Blistered berries, chocolate shaving. Paired with Lemon Seltz-Up cocktail with avenue gentian liqueur, creme de cassis float