Stainless Fermented Mixed Culture Ale Our favorite mixed culture series which we brew each year can be traced back through a common family of organisms for which we use to ferment generation after generation. This grissette style ale displays a gradient of flavors and textures more varied than those of our single strain saison style beers. Below the complex funky fruit cup of aromas you will find a moderate acidity thanks to lactic acid producing bacteria present in our mixed culture. This combination provides a mouthwatering sensation with the first sniff, and a tongue washing cleanse after each swallow. Bright and fresh no matter what time of year, this true farmhouse ale provides a flavor map from the orchard, past the wildflowers to the barn and back. ABV: 5.5% AVAILABILITY: 750 ML Bottle – https://penrosebrewingcompany.square.site/product/g-rado-750-ml/1719 Like Brett Silo? Check out Similar Beers: Beacon Dens Citra Dens