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Stainless Fermented Mixed Culture Ale Our favorite mixed culture series which we brew each year can be traced back through a common family of organisms for which we use to ferment generation after generation. This grissette style ale displays a gradient of flavors and textures more varied than those of our single strain saison style beers. Below the complex funky fruit cup of aromas you will find a moderate acidity thanks to lactic acid producing bacteria present in our mixed culture. This combination provides a mouthwatering sensation with the first sniff, and a tongue washing cleanse after each swallow. Bright and fresh no matter what time of year, this true farmhouse ale provides a flavor map from the orchard, past the wildflowers to the barn and back. ABV: 5.5% AVAILABILITY: 750 ML Bottle – Like Brett Silo? Check out Similar Beers: Beacon Dens Citra Dens

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Brett Silo

Farmhouse Ale Primed with our favorite strain of Brettanomyces, this version of our Silo farmhouse ale highlights the flavor contribution of this wild yeast. Brett Silo has developed a nuanced complexity that only comes with time and patience. More effervescent and decidedly drier than its base, aromas of fresh apricot, dried lavender and clove infused naval orange waft out of the firm and frothy head. Try building a dense and flavorful cumulus cloud atop your glass, and then dive into your funky ice cream cone of foam. ABV: 6% AVAILABILITY: 750 ML Bottle – Like Brett Silo? Check out Similar Beers: Beacon Dens Citra Dens

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Spelt Saison Brewed in collaboration with our good friends and saisonniers at Afterthought Brewing. Our shared love for farmhouse brewing led us to this round, flavorful and satisfying ale. Utilizing a saison strain from a particular region in Belgium, we built this recipe with a modest amount of malted spelt in homage to beers made in this place. Fermented warm to encourage ester production and hopped mildly with old world hops for a balanced bitterness, this beer stands on its own. Malt derived aromas from rich spelt canvas the glass, reminiscent of your kitchen during that sourdough phase you were in three years ago. Dried meyer lemon peel flavors brighten up the banquet, while a sought after minerality finishes the palate in this local collab. ABV: 6% AVAILABILITY: On Tap, 750 ML Bottle – Like Beacon? Check out Similar Beers: Dens Citra Dens

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